
Founded in hope St. Mary’s CE (VA) Primary School is a place where all can find their voice, grow in wisdom and live well in community and service.

Leaders at St. Mary’s School have a clear vision for our school that has three key branches. The three key branches of our vision grow from the core value of HOPE. We believe that hope gives us optimism for a better future. No matter where you are on your journey that through the grace of God we have the hope of a new and better start.

Finding Our Voice – We believe that all people are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) and are, therefore, of infinite worth. That the first word that is said about us is that we are ‘good’ (Genesis 1:31). We believe that all our children need to have the skills to communicate effectively with the world around them, growing in self-confidence, esteem and emotional wellbeing.

Live in Community and Service – We believe in a God who sent his Son, Jesus, not to be served but to serve (Matthew 20:28) and calls us to serve each other (John 13:14-15). We believe in a God who created us to do ‘good works’ (Ephesians 2:10). Through service, we seek to support help and nurture each other so that we have a shared responsibility to ensure that everyone can flourish. We believe that human beings are not made to be alone (Genesis 2:18) but are meant to be part of a ‘body’ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) where each contributes and cares for the other. Through living as a community, we seek to grow in our understanding of each other, valuing our self and others locally nationally and globally.

Grow in Wisdom – We believe that through a deep and broad understanding of all aspects of the world we live in we can best develop the skills, understanding and resilience required to be able to flourish. We believe that each one of us is an individual whose unique skills set needs to be nurtured, developed and celebrated. ‘We believe in a God who has called us to grow in wisdom (James 1:5, Proverbs 4:7). A God who proclaims that wisdom is a blessing (Proverbs 3:13) and calls us to love God not only with our hearts, but with our minds and understanding (Matt 22:37).

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Hand to Mouth

It was a real pleasure to visit your school.

Your staff were really welcoming and helpful. The children who participated in the journey with us were inquisitive and engaged very well with the theme; they were polite and respectful towards the staff and our volunteers. We also ran lessons with some of your classes and were welcomed warmly by staff and pupils.

Thank you for having us!

Jo Blaker @ The Hepworth Gallery

Thanks to year 3 Artists for road testing our drawing sculpture workshop at the gallery.

I’m sure Hepworth herself would be impressed with your drawings! I certainly was.

West End in Schools

The children at St Mary’s are some of the most respectful and well behaved children I have worked with. It has been a pleasure to be here today to work with the whole school on our ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ dance workshop.

Wakefield Cathedral Community outreach officer

It’s always a pleasure to host the wonderful pupils from St Mary’s Primary School at Wakefield Cathedral. I’m always amazed by their knowledge, their politeness and the way they throw themselves wholeheartedly into the activities. The Y3 class, who came for today’s workshop, are a real credit to their school.

Gillian Bunn

Hand to Mouth

It has been an absolute pleasure to be with the children year 4 and EY today. They have been incredibly thoughtful and very polite to myself and the volunteers who came to support during the morning journey.

I would also like to say a huge thank you to the staff, who have been so friendly and welcoming. It has been such a joy to be in your school today.

Helen Dalton -26/05/23