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Early Years Brochure

Our Early Years Vision

Founded in hope St. Mary’s CE (VA) Primary School is a place where all can find their voice, grow in wisdom and live well in community and service. Within the early years we strive to provide young children with the best possible foundations to succeed and fulfil their potential. We understand that through positive relationships, high quality interactions and teaching and well-planned environments every unique child can grow in wisdom and make a positive contribution to their community.

Living in Community and Service:

We know that early years is the time in which to build crucial relationships with parents, we recognise that they are their children first and foremost educators and it takes a whole community to raise a child. We welcome parents and carers into our school to share reading mornings, target setting and to enjoy playing with their children. In doing this we can share information and build up a holistic view of the child.

Finding our Voice:

Within St Mary’s early years unit, we pride ourselves on our ability to support children to develop their language. We understand that to grow and develop in to strong resilient learners’ children need to be able to use high quality language across all areas of learning; to voice their opinions, extend play, show their understanding and develop their emotional literacy. We are a communication friendly setting and place speaking and listening at the heart of everything we do.

Growing in Wisdom:

Within our early years unit, we have high ambitions and expectations of all children regardless of their backgrounds, circumstances or needs. We hope that our curriculum continually provides a purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge that equips children for their future learning at St Mary’s.


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EY brochure 2022