

Pantomime 22/12/23

The school will be visiting Wakefield Theatre to watch the Pantomime.

School Photograph Day 14/11/23

Bike Ability Year 6 02/10/23 – 06/10/23

Bike ability will be taking place for Year 6 w/c 2nd October 23, until the

17th March 2023 Upper Foundation Cathedral Visit.

Dear Parents/Carers, We are going to visit the Cathedral on Friday 17th March to learn

24th February 2023 Year 5 Magna Visit.

Dear Parents/Carers, As part of our Science Curriculum, Year 5 will be visiting Magna Science

6th March 2023 Whole school workshop – Where the wild things are.

‘Where The Wild Things Are’ To promote children’s love of reading and bringing books to

20th April 2023 Year 3 Roman Workshop.

The class of Year 3 will be visited by staff members of Wakefield Museum who

15th May 2023 Year 3 Cathedral Trip.

Dear Parents/Carers On the 15th May 2023 children from Year 3 will take part in

27th March 2023 Year 2 Cathedral Trip.

Dear Parents/Carers, Year 2 will be going to Visit the Cathedral on Monday 27th March,

16th January 2023 Y5 Victorian Workshop.

Dear Parents/Carers, I am pleased to say that the children in Year 5 will be

19th January 2023 Year 4 Viking Workshop.

The children of year 4 will look at trade, transport and domestic life in the

27th January 2023 Year 5 National Coal Mining Museum Trip.

Dear Parents/Carers, As part of our Victorian Britain unit in History, the children in Y5