School Meals
The School Cook and her team offers a great range of freshly prepared hot meals, sandwiches and puddings each day that conform to Government Nutritional Standards and give children a healthy meal at lunchtime. Please see the current dinner menus at the bottom of the page (on rare occasions dinner choices may change at short notice due to supply issues)
The cost of a School meal is £2.53 per day or £12.65 per week. Upper Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free meal under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal Scheme (this however does not qualify them as Pupil Premium children only if they receive Low Income Free School Meals).
Parents receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals can still also claim Low Income Free School Meals which gives the child to other benefits in school. If any parent has an annual gross income of no more than £16,190 and are not claiming any Working Tax Credit you may be entitled. To check please call 01924 305515 or visit Wakefield One and ask for the Free School Meals Department. You can also get a form from the School Office, from the website or download from: http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/Documents/schools-children/free-school-meals/application-for-free-school-meals.pdf
Paid Dinners
All Dinner Money should be paid on a Monday in advance for the coming week. We are a cashless school so the correct amount for each week should be paid on your child’s Parentpay account.
School meals are reconciled every Friday and any arrears/non payments will be notified to Parents by text. Arrears must be paid on the following Monday together with next week’s payment. If no money is received in payment of School Dinners taken for a period of two weeks then you will be asked to provide a packed lunch for you child until the debt is cleared.
We expect Parents to make a positive effort to clear arrears by agreeing an amount to be paid each week, this can be as little as £1.00 per week but must be paid regularly. If payment is still not received an Invoice will be raised and the debt will be chased through WDC Debt Collection process.
We hope this clarifies the situation but if you have any further questions please come to the School Office or phone on 01924 303625 to discuss.
Dinners 08th April – 14th October