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24th February 2023 Year 5 Magna Visit.

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our Science Curriculum, Year 5 will be visiting Magna Science Museum on Friday 24th February 2023. The children will be exploring the museum as well as taking part in a workshop looking into solids, liquids and gases and what happens when materials are mixed together. This will support the children’s learning when looking at reversible and irreversible changes.

Yours Sincerely, Mrs Shuttleworth – Acting Headteacher

6th March 2023 Whole school workshop – Where the wild things are.

‘Where The Wild Things Are’ To promote children’s love of reading and bringing books to life, we will be running a dance workshop which will give the children a unique insight into books through dance. The classes will be working with a choreographer, developing a dance response to ‘Where The Wild Things Are.’ It will be an exciting and fun filled day for the whole school.

Thank You, Ms Matheson, Reading Leader.

20th April 2023 Year 3 Roman Workshop.

The class of Year 3 will be visited by staff members of Wakefield Museum who will be introducing them to many intriguing Roman artifacts, and spending time discussing the historical significance of these pieces with the children. This workshop will be very beneficial, as this ties in with what Year 3 are learning about in History this term.

Thank you, Mrs Stott Year 3 teacher.

15th May 2023 Year 3 Cathedral Trip.

Dear Parents/Carers

On the 15th May 2023 children from Year 3 will take part in the Holy Trinity Workshop at Wakefield Cathedral, this will support our learning about the festivals of different faiths so that we can understand and respect beliefs and traditions of others.

Thank You, Mrs Stott. Year 3 teacher.

16th January 2023 Y5 Victorian Workshop.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am pleased to say that the children in Year 5 will be taking part in a Victorian Britain Workshop in School with the History to Life Group. This will support our History topic which we will be studying this half-term. The children will be able to take part in hands on investigations and explore the laws which were introduced which saw an improvement to the lives of children as well as experience part of a Victorian school day.This will take place on the Monday 16th January 2023 within the school day.

Many Thanks, Mrs Shuttleworth

Acting Headteacher

19th January 2023 Year 4 Viking Workshop.

The children of year 4 will look at trade, transport and domestic life in the Viking era. Using replicas of Viking era objects from the museum’s collection, pupils will discuss the significance that each item would have to villagers at the time.Pupils will learn how objects in museum collections can tell us about the past, and develop empathy with people from the past.

27th January 2023 Year 5 National Coal Mining Museum Trip.

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our Victorian Britain unit in History, the children in Y5 are learning about children’s lives and how they were improved due to the laws which were introduced. We are paying particular attention to the Miners Act as our Local History study and what positive impact this had for the children. To develop our understanding and allow the children to become more aware of the conditions they faced, we will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum in Wakefield on Friday 27th January 2023.

Yours Sincerely, Mrs Shuttleworth

16th January 2023 Great fire of London workshop.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am pleased to say that the children in Year 2 will be taking part in a Great fire of London Workshop in School with the History to Life Group. This will support our History topic which we will be studying this half-term. This will take place on the Monday 16th January 2023 within the school day.

Many Thanks, Miss Brook, Year 2 teacher.

10.10.22 Hello yellow day

St Mary’s is taking part in #HelloYellow on 10 October 2022 this World Mental Health Day.
The number of young people in need of mental health support is growing faster than ever – with a record breaking 420,000 young people being treated for mental health problems every month. Most young people aren’t getting the help they need, and this can’t go on.
That’s why this year #HelloYellow is more important than ever. We need to make sure young people know that how they feel matters and they deserve to feel supported. We couldn’t not get involved.
We’ll be joining thousands of other schools by wearing yellow to show young people that how they feel matters, as well as raising money for YoungMinds. To take part, students can wear yellow to school on 10 October.
We’re confident that taking part in #HelloYellow will show our young people that they’re not alone with their mental health. Together, we can create a brighter future for children and young people.

12.10.22 Year 6 Residential

Year 6 are going on their residential at Kingswood peak venture on Wednesday 12th October.

Residential trips with Kingswood provide year 6 pupils with a mix of challenging, creative and skill-building experiences inspired by activities that 10-11 years olds enjoy. A selection of inspiring adventures leaves the pupils with boosted confidence and greater independence.