
Rational / Vision

Founded in hope St. Mary’s CE (VA) Primary School is a place where all can find their voice, grow in wisdom and live well in community and service.

Physical education plays a fundamental role in realising our school vision.

Finding our Voice

Oracy is a key part of the PE curriculum, this is demonstrated through working collaboratively as a team. The children share their ideas and develop their skills encouraging each other and supporting others through discussion.

Grow in Wisdom.

The children acquire and develop skills in the five elements of PE. They build on their knowledge in these five key elements; dance, gymnastics, games, swimming and athletics progressively throughout their journey through St Marys acquiring and developing and selecting and applying skills. The children have the opportunity to take part in competitions and tournaments within the school and the local community.

Live well in community and service

The PE curriculum encourages the children to take part and follow rules within games and sports. PE allows the children to learn the value of teamwork. The children have the opportunity to take part in competitions and tournaments within the school and the local community.



The PE curriculum at St Mary’s is split into five key learning concepts that include; gymnastics, dance, games, athletics and swimming. We aim to offer the children a broad range of opportunities to learn and develop their understanding of different aspects of PE including building on skills and learning and developing competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.

Each year group in school develops skills based around these five concepts supporting fundamental movement skills that build upon the children’s previous learning. These concepts are broken down into acquiring and developing and selecting and applying skills. Children are taught skills and enabled to develop these skills to allow them to select and apply these with in different contexts.  Skills are progressive throughout school they begin in EYFS with the Development Matters Curriculum through Physical Development. During Key Stage 1 the curriculum focuses on building skill throughout the key concepts through acquiring and developing and using, varying and adapting skills through selecting and applying.

Throughout Key Stage 2 the children build on this through performing and playing, and understanding tactics and strategies through the acquiring and developing aspect of the curriculum extending to composing, choosing, using and linking skills in selecting and applying.

PE is given high priority at St Mary’s and the children receive high quality teaching throughout the curriculum. The school recognise the impact PE has on the children’s physical and mental wellbeing and sets a high priority on 60 Active Minutes initiative and ensures that the children have active playtimes and 90 minutes of curriculum PE per week.


Provision / Implementation

The PE Curriculum at St Marys is based upon the children acquiring fundamental movement skills. The children work in a variety of spaces and use a wide range of equipment that supports the acquiring of in a variety of physical activity. The PE curriculum builds progressively through school and provides opportunity for the children to build their oracy skills enabling them to share ideas through discussion and express their thoughts clearly using subject specific language relating to the topics covered.

Evidence of the children work is captured through photographs/ videos regularly to showcase the development of skills. A variety of equipment is available for the children to use that help them to successfully build the skills that are identified in the subject knowledge map these are monitored by the subject leader and regularly replaced and added to.

The teachers assess the children using their professional judgement and look for demonstration and development of the key skills and how the children select and apply their knowledge. The children are given feedback on their skills throughout the PE sessions and the teachers use this to inform and adapt when planning the next steps.

The subject leader when monitoring PE looks for coverage of the five key elements within the subject knowledge map. This is through discussions with teachers and pupil voice.



By following our PE Curriculum a child will be able to have a broad and balanced knowledge of the five key areas of PE. They have acquired developed a wide range of skills that they are able to use and apply within the key areas learning to use a wide range of equipment linked to a broad range of activities. They understand the effect of exercise on their physical and mental well- being.

In following the PE curriculum, our expectation is that all pupils are PE literate and as a minimum pupil are able to:

In dance:

  • Acquire and develop skills including copying, linking, repeating and performing to different stimuli which build progressively throughout the child’s journey through school.
  • Select and apply skills they have learned in dance independently and co-operatively including composing, creating, performing and expressing ideas in dance phrases.


In games:

  • Acquire and develop skills including developing co-ordination, copy and repeating ball skills and passing techniques linked specific games, performing skills with control and consistency.
  • Select and apply skills through specific games including a progressive understanding of tactics and the ability to choose, link and combine skills.

In gymnastics:

  • Acquire and develop balance, position, control, co-ordination, sequence building and linking that are continually and progressively acquired and developed.
  • Select and apply skills in gymnastics through performing, adapting, choosing, using and varying independently and with a partner.

In athletics:

  • Acquire and develop the skills linked to running, jumping and throwing progressively and continually throughout their school journey
  • Select and apply skills linked to athletics including developing technique, stamina and strength.

In swimming:

  • Acquire and develop skills and techniques that enable the children to perform different strokes effectively over a distance of 25m and self rescue techniques.
  • Select and apply skills in swimming including developing stroke technique, stamina and strength

By following our PE Curriculum a child will be able to have a broad and balanced knowledge of the five key areas of PE. They have acquired developed a wide range of skills that they are able to use and apply within the key areas learning to use a wide range pf equipment linked to a broad range of activities. They understand the effect of exercise on their physical and mental well being.